useful links
have a look 😀
Here some useful links are collected. Have a look, perhaps you can find something useful for you too.
A collection of links
Kourovka Notebook: a collection of unsolved problems in Group Theory
GAP-Groups,Algorithms, Programming: a System for Computational Discrete Algebra in Group Theory
AGTA: the association “Advances in Group Theory and Applications” that aims to promote and disseminate the scientific culture and the research in Group Theory
Mathematics Genealogy Project: informations about mathematicians of the word and their PhD thesis
MacTutor: a free online resource containing biographies of more than 3000 mathematicians
Mathematical Moments: an AMS series of posters on maths
Encyclopedia of Mathematics: open access resource for mathematics community
Maddmaths!: the portal of the dissemination and teaching of mathematics (only in Italian)
MathSciNet: AMS Mathematical Reviews
zbMATH-Open: Zentralblatt MATH abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics by EMS
JSTOR : journals, books, etc, it is part of ITHAKA a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community
Overleaf: online LaTeX Editor
DeTeXify: a nice applet to find symbol for LaTeX
TUGboat: the online journal of the TeX Users Group
UMI: Unione Matematica Italiana
EMS: European Mathematical Society
EWM: European Women in Mathematics and my record at the webpage
AMS: American Mathematical Society
INdAM-GNSAGA: the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi and the National Group for Algebraic and Geometric Structures and their Applications
CNPq Brazil: National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development - Brazil